Dipipanon (Piperidylamidone, Pipadone, Phenylpiperon) is an opioid analgesic. A mixture of dipipanone and cyclizine hydrochlorides is known under the trade name “Diconal” and is prescribed to quench severe pain.
IUPAC: 4,4-diphenyl-6-piperidin-1-ylheptan-3-one
Molecular Formula: C24H31NO
CAS: 467-83-4
Molecular Weight: 349.5 g/mol
The use of dipipanone can lead to side effects, among them: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, drowsiness.
Dipipanone belongs to a class of opioids under the general name 4,4-diphenylheptan-3-ones. The dipipanone molecule is similar to the methadone molecule, the difference lies in the N,N-dimethyl functional group of methadone, which in dipipanone is replaced by a piperidine ring.
When the therapeutic dose is exceeded, dipipanon gives subjective effects typical of opiates: euphoria, developing cross-tolerance with other opioids, withdrawal syndrome. Cyclizine, which is part of Diconal, causes a very strong “arrival” if the tablet solution is injected intravenously, which makes the drug attractive to opiate addicts. Due to the use of dipipanone for recreational purposes and the narcotic potential of the drug, its turnover is legally limited in many countries.

Dependence on dipipanone is developing rapidly. Initially used to alleviate severe pain, the drug has become a substitute for expensive drugs for addicts. Analgesic is prescribed to patients with morphine intolerance.
The problem with this substance is that at the time of its development there was not enough caution in determining the scope of the drug. Doctors simply had no idea about the possibility of using an analgesic as a psychoactive drug. As is the case with most opioids, people with an addiction to drugs began to use it for other purposes.
Dipipanon is available in two forms: tablets and solution.